It's Simple

At Grace Pointe, we want to make it easy for you to connect with God and with others. Our church is designed to be an open community, where anyone can take steps to know Christ more and help others do the same. Our Next Steps class begins on the first Sunday of every quarter (February, May, August, November). During this four week class you will get to know Grace Pointe, Know God more, Find Purpose, and discover how you can Make a Difference.

stepONE- Know Grace Pointe

First we want you to get to know the heart of our church and find out how you can connect with us here at Grace Pointe.

stepTWO- Know God

Next we will take you through a general understanding of who God is and how he desires to walk in relationship with you.

stepTHREE- Find Purpose 

Then we will dive into the details of your personality in order to help you discover your gifts. Through this you will see how your design reveals your purpose in life and shows what areas of ministry you will fit into best.

stepFOUR- Make A Difference

Finally we will introduce you to the opportunities available at Grace Pointe that will assist you in living out your purpose as you use your God-given gifts to serve others.