Upcoming Events:


Our passion for GP Kids is to see kids grow in their relationship with Jesus. During our Kids Worship, we create an atmosphere for children to experience God through exciting worship, Bible teaching, prayer, and having fun with friends. It is such a blessing to watch how God works in the life of each child and draws each one closer to Himself.

Ages: K-5th grade Time: Sundays @ 10:30 am


We believe no child is too young to be impacted by the Holy Spirit. Psalms 8:2 declares God ordains strength in these wee ones, enough to build up a stronghold that will silence the enemy. WOW! That is pretty powerful! GP Kids comes alongside parents to nurture babies and preschoolers in a love for God and His Word. Through singing, playing, learning, and praying together we hope to build a strong foundation of God’s love.

Time: Sundays @ 10:30 am


Junior Bible Quiz is a discipleship program that helps kids fall in love with learning the Bible. Kids learn the Bible by studying Bible fact questions and then get to compete using buzzer boards in a friendly competition. The goal is to get kids excited about the Bible, help them learn truths that will guide them throughout their lives, and to help them develop friendship with other kids and families. Kids have the option to just come on Wednesday evenings or to participate in district competitions with other churches.

Time: Wednesdays @ 6:30 pm


BGMC - BGMC stands for Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge. It is a missions ministry partner in the Assemblies of God that awakens and activates creative compassion in kids within the local church so that the next generation is empowered to pray, give, and go. This ministry challenges kids to embrace sacrificial living for the sake of the gospel and to make God’s heart their own. Our Kids Mission Sunday is the first Sunday of each month @ 10:30 am.